Family involvement in the classroom is the cornerstone of our program
Families and teachers work hand-in-hand toward their mutual goal of enriching student’s lives. As volunteers, Lighthouse Community Members have the opportunity to share unique skills, talents and experiences, while being given the opportunity to collaborate and support the teachers in the classroom.
Most volunteer opportunities involve leading a subject during a small group rotation. Examples of these scenarios are cooking, art, foreign language, computer programming, health, and bucket-filling/social skills.

When you join Lighthouse Cooperative, you agree to the following:
in-classroom support
For every student in the program, there is a weekly volunteer commitment. Support can be provided to teachers in and out of the classroom, as determined by the teacher. This volunteer requirement is for the duration of the school year.
community meetings
Monthly community meetings are held during the school year that bring together the adult Lighthouse Community. Community meetings consist of a general meeting and a classroom meeting. Childcare is typically provided during these meetings by program volunteers.
Each family will participate in one classroom committee for each student in the Lighthouse program. Committees are determined at the beginning of each school year. Serving on the Lighthouse Board fulfills this committee requirement.
Each family must chaperone two excursions per school year for each student in the program. Lighthouse classes participate in many off-site excursions that provide unique learning opportunities for our students. Community volunteers make these field trips possible.
Learn more about Excursions here.
Each family is required to lead one exploration per student per school year. Typical activities include science experiments, engineering projects and other STEM activities. If you have suggestions for future Explorations, contact
Learn more about Explorations here.
Each family is required to procure one auction item of at least $50 value per student in the program.
Buy-outs are available for $75.00 per student.
Learn more about Fundraising here.